Facing your fears // Collab

Hello my lovelies. I hope you had a great new year!! I also hope that your year is also full of blessings :).

I decided to do fears as my blog post and I want to thank Rosamae for giving me this idea. I posted a picture I took on a Ferris wheel whilst in France on Instagram and Rosamae commented: ” I could never go on a Ferris wheel other wise I’d have a panic attack! #fearofhights”


And that instantly gave me the idea for this post.

For this post I will be collabing with rosamae for the 2nd time (I will link her blog and her Instagram down below). She is one of my favourite bloggers so please go ahead and follow her because she is an amazing human.

Facing your fears:

So I got a lot of fears although when I was young I thought I never had any or that I faced all my fears. Everyone is scared of something or one thing. Facing your fears can also be a fear and it’s ok to be scared and show that you are scared because everyone has emotions.

F.E.A.R has 2 meanings:

  1. Forget everything and run
  2. Face everything and rise

Some fears may have occurred of what you experienced in the past and some may occur because you are you.

I don’t think anything happened in the past that affected me but that doesn’t stop me from having fears.

These are some of my fears:

  • The dark

I really don’t know why I am scared of the dark but it’s a common fear. My brother makes fun of me for it but like whatever. I don’t know if I can ever face this fear.

  • Loss

No one likes loss. The loss of a person or a thing. For one I hate it. Because that just shows that people go one day like everything else. But death is just a part of life and we have to accept it. I think the only way I can face this is when I die.

  • Spiders or any crawly insects

“It’s just a spider” they say. “it wont hurt you” they say. Ok. I KNOW ITS A SPIDER AND I KNOW IT WONT HURT ME BUT I AM DISGUSTED BY IT SO JUST TAKE IT AWAY FROM ME. I don’t even want to face this fear. Thank you.

  • Buried alive

Imagine you are in a coma but people think you are dead so they bury you underground. And then you wake up a few days later in a coffin, trapped. I hate it.

  • Trypophobia 

This is a fear of holes. Like just holes in anything. Writing about me gives me the chills so please don’t search it up on google images.

I’m pretty sure I got more but these are my main ones. I’m here talking about YOU facing YOUR fears when I can’t even face my own fears. One thing I can say is Don’t be afraid to take risks. Because in the end we only regret the chances we didn’t take. Because fear is temporary, however regret could last forever.

If you fight your fears you will be in a battle for ever but if you face your fears you’ll be free forever. Just remember that.

Links below ↓↓

Rosamae’s blog: Rosamae’s blog

Rosamae’s Instagram: Rosamae’s Instagram

Last collab with Rosamae : Last Collab with Rosamae

I love you guys!! Happy 2017 🙂

Kat xx ♥

14 thoughts on “Facing your fears // Collab

  1. Rosamae says:

    I did the opposite of what you said and now I think I have trypophobia. The images I’ve seen have scared me for life!! I loved your post I laughed for like three minutes straight when I saw you used my comment. Thanks for collabing with me!!
    xoxo Rosamae

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